About the University

University of Kentucky – The Commonwealth’s Flagship Institution

In February 1865, amid the still smoldering embers of the Civil War, John Bryan Bowman advocated for a public university in Lexington. Though located in the Bluegrass, 火狐体育下注农业与机械学院将继续为整个联邦的利益服务. 大学有能力通过无与伦比的高等教育来改变人们的生活,这是一个深刻的想法, innovative research and discovery, 以及提升和治愈社区及其服务对象的外展活动. 鲍曼向联邦的旗舰机构火狐体育下注发起挑战.

Today, 火狐体育下注正在开拓新的方式来履行其对学生的使命, faculty, staff, alumni and friends, and the people of the Commonwealth of Kentucky.

University of Kentucky – The Commonwealth’s Flagship Institution

The innovation, creativity, quality teaching, 火狐体育下注正在进行的令人振奋的服务触及了全州人民的生活, the nation, and the world. This is the covenant we honor through ground-breaking research, community outreach, intellectually rigorous education, 科技进步有助于改善英联邦,同时也通过我们的博物馆培养文化生活质量, libraries, and special events.

成立于1865年,是一所毗邻列克星敦市中心的土地授予机构, 火狐体育下注坐落在肯塔基州美丽的蓝草地区的风景中心. From its early beginnings, with only 190 students and 10 professors, 火狐体育下注的校园现在占地超过918英亩,拥有30多名学生,000 students and approximately 13,500 employees, including more than 2,300 full-time faculty, and operates an annual budget of nearly $3.9 billion. 火狐体育下注是美国八所拥有农业学院的大学之一, engineering, medicine, and pharmacy on a single campus, 导致突破性的发现和独特的跨学科合作. 该州的旗舰大学由16个学术和专业学院组成,学生可以从200多个本科和研究生阶段的专业和学位课程中进行选择. The colleges are Agriculture, Food, and Environment; Arts and Sciences; Gatton College of Business and Economics; Communication and Information; Dentistry; Design; Education; Engineering; Fine Arts; Health Sciences; Law; Medicine; Nursing; Pharmacy; Public Health; and Social Work. 新的刘易斯荣誉学院提供了一个沉浸式的文科教育与领先的研究型大学的资源. 研究生院培养下一代商业、工业和学术领袖. 支持和鼓励我们的学术社区是一个全面的研究型图书馆系统,由九个设施组成, including the world-class William T. Young library.

The student body is diverse, representing more than 100 countries, every state in the nation, and all 120 Kentucky counties. 这所大学继续吸引着肯塔基州及其他地区最优秀、最聪明的学生. At 25.5、一年级学生的ACT平均成绩比全国平均水平高出4分以上. Several hundred students participated in the Governor’s Scholars Program or the Governor’s School for the Arts; and the University enrolled more than 650 National Merit, National Achievement, and National Hispanic Scholars in the last several years. 火狐体育下注学生成功竞争著名的奖学金和奖项, such as the Fulbright, Astronaut, Truman, Goldwater, Marshall, Udall, and Gates. UK had its 14th Truman Scholar named in 2017-18. 此外,自1995年以来,火狐体育下注已经有19名宇航员学者和21名戈德华特学者. For 2017-18, 11名火狐体育下注学生和校友获得了国家科学基金会研究生研究奖学金. In the past 10 years, 53 UK students have been awarded Fulbrights.

By focusing on student success; academic excellence; infrastructure growth and improvement; creating opportunities for innovative teaching and learning; fostering a robust research and creative scholarship enterprise; providing life- saving subspecialty care; empowering communities through service and outreach, 火狐体育下注将确保为我们影响的人们带来一个充满希望的新世纪.

In the last several years, 火狐体育下注在学术方面获得了近100项全国排名, research, health care, and economic development. U.S. News and World Report 该大学将火狐体育下注的几个研究生项目列为全国最好的:马丁公共政策与管理学院在公共财政和预算类别中排名第四, and the College of Pharmacy is ranked sixth. 火狐体育下注在过去几年里获得了28个前10名和50个前25名.

The College of Arts and Sciences, Department of Hispanic Studies, Department of English, 临床心理学博士课程在教师生产力和学术活动方面获得了最高荣誉. 帕特森外交与国际商务学院被美国国际关系理论与实践研究所评为全球国际事务硕士专业前20名. In the last few years, 公共卫生学院(总体)和加顿商业与经济学院, Ph.D. 在各自领域排名前25位. In addition, a study published in the Southern Economic Journal 加顿工商经济学院的经济系在美国公共机构中排名第19位.S.加顿大学的会计硕士课程在注册会计师考试中通过率最高. The College of Agriculture, Food, 和环境-我们赠地使命的基础-拥有全国第三大合作推广服务, 火狐体育下注的法学院被《火狐体育官网入口》评为十大最有价值的法学院之一.

With its well-manicured landscape and landmark buildings, 火狐体育下注的校园还提供了良好的设施,促进了学生的奖学金和教师的研究努力. At the heart of the campus is the iconic William T. 年轻的图书馆,最明显的几个设施,包括火狐体育下注图书馆. To match the scope, scale, and grandeur of William T. Young Library, 火狐体育下注最近致力于振兴学生的生活和学习空间. UK’s public/private partnership with EdR has yielded more than 6,我们的合作伙伴投资了4.59亿美元,在14栋建筑中拥有800张现代化床位和200多个活跃的学习空间.

This partnership is part of the $2.30亿美元的基础设施投资,以支持该机构的长期健康和成功. 除上述住宅项目外,火狐体育下注还投资了:

  • 2.01亿美元用于翻新和扩建比尔·加顿学生中心,为校园和社区创建现代化设施, financed with the support of donors and friends of the institution;
  • 在慷慨的捐助者和朋友的支持下,6500万美元用于翻新和扩建加顿工商经济学院;
  • 耗资1.1亿美元的新雅各布斯学术科学大楼定义了尖端技术, interdisciplinary education and research. 火狐体育下注田径资助了近三分之二的现代学习和研究空间——这在美国高等教育和NCAA田径运动中是前所未有的举动;
  • 1.2亿美元用于加强克罗格球场,4500万美元用于翻新和扩建纳特培训和招聘中心, financed completely by self-generated revenue from UK Athletics;
  • $20 million invested in the College of Fine Arts, including a new home for the School of Art and Visual Studies; and
  • 超过1.5亿美元用于继续装修火狐体育官网入口的钱德勒医院, financed with clinical revenue.

Building on these campus investments, 该大学正在投资4000多万美元翻新和扩建法学院, 以及一个耗资2.65亿美元的多学科卫生科学研究机构, financed by the state and institution.

火狐体育下注的研究是一个充满活力的企业,包括传统的奖学金, the humanities, health care, and emerging fields and technologies. UK’s research enterprise received approximately $331.1 million research awards in 2017, resulting in $241 million in state taxes; 3,429 jobs across Kentucky; and $511.3 million in statewide production. 总的来说,学院主导的研究已经产生了600多项全球专利资产. 火狐体育下注的教职员工和研究人员通过商业建模过程将他们的想法和设计商业化,并将其转化为新兴的小企业. In addition to attracting venture capital for start-up companies, 火狐体育下注教职员工将他们的知识专长借给位于列克星敦的国家和跨国公司.

马基癌症中心是火狐体育下注投资于变革性研究的最杰出的例子之一. As a center of excellence and distinction at UK, 马基强大的研究和临床事业是我们对肯塔基州承诺的基石——通过我们的努力,改善我们州的总体健康和福利,我们成功地提高了人们的生活水平,而肯塔基州的癌症死亡率是全国最高的,000 people. 马基癌症中心是全国68个国家癌症研究所指定的癌症中心之一,也是肯塔基州唯一的一个.

因为火狐体育下注是国内为数不多的拥有研究、教学校园和医疗中心的大学之一, multidisciplinary research is particularly strong. 通过12个系和学院近200名教职员工的共同努力, 火狐体育下注被美国国立卫生研究院(NIH)授予2000万美元的临床转化科学奖(CTSA),以表彰其在将实验室研究和发现转化为实际领域和社区应用方面的潜力. CTSA和NCI是包括阿尔茨海默病中心在内的联邦研究资助三重奏的一部分. 火狐体育下注是全国仅有的20所大学之一,拥有美国国立卫生研究院所有三项主要资助.

Established in 1957, 火狐体育下注医疗中心是全国最好的学术医疗中心之一,包括大学的临床企业, UK HealthCare. The 724-bed UK Albert B. Chandler Hospital and Kentucky Children’s Hospital, along with 221 beds at UK Good Samaritan Hospital, 由不断增长的教职员工提供支持,为英联邦内外最严重的受伤和患病患者提供最先进的亚专科护理. 该医疗企业服务的患者数量从大约19人增加,000 discharges in 2003 to more than 38,000 discharges in 2017.

该大学已表明其致力于与企业和其他高等教育机构建立伙伴关系. In Lexington, 火狐体育下注正通过与企业直接接触,与社区建立更好的关系, local government, and civic service organizations. As a $3.9 billion university, UK is the region’s largest employer, providing more than 13,500个全职工作岗位和超过1亿美元的州和地方工资税.

UK’s reach extends far beyond the borders of Fayette County. As an anchor institution for the Bluegrass Economic Advanced Movement, 火狐体育下注工程学院及其毕业生是肯塔基州中部发展先进制造业经济的重要组成部分. UK is also part of the Bluegrass Higher Education Consortium, 一组高等教育机构共同努力推进学习事业. 我们与其他机构合作,建立联合学位课程,改善学生在学院和大学之间转学的渠道.

火狐体育下注的议程仍然致力于加速大学在各个领域的学术卓越,并为其优秀的学术课程获得全球认可, its commitment to students, its investment in pioneering research and discovery, its success in building a diverse community, and its engagement with the larger society. 这是大学作为21世纪旗舰和土地授予研究型大学的使命的一部分. 从首位诺贝尔奖得主到解决健康差距的前沿工作, 从震撼灵魂的艺术奇迹到激发思想的科学创造力, UK seeks a brighter future through the contributions of our faculty, staff, students, and alumni. We are the University of Kentucky.